catatom2osm.osm module

OpenStreetMap data model.

class catatom2osm.osm.Element(container, tags={}, attrs={})[source]

Bases: object

Base class for Osm elements.

property attrs

Return the element attributes as a dictionary.

property fid

Return id as unique string.


Return true if this element is new to OSM.

property type

Return class name as string.

class catatom2osm.osm.MultiPolygon(container, parts=[], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: catatom2osm.osm.Polygon

Helper to create a multipolygon type relation.

class catatom2osm.osm.Node(container, x, y=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: catatom2osm.osm.Element

Define a node as a pair of coordinates.

property childs

Only for simetry with ways and relations.


Copy self in another container.


Return pair of coordinates.

property lat

Return latitude as string.

property lon

Return longitude as string.

class catatom2osm.osm.Osm(upload='never', generator=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to implement a OSM data set.

append(data, query=None)[source]

Append data elements to this dataset avoiding duplicates.

Optionally filter by query.

  • data (iterable, Osm or Element) – source data

  • query (func) – function to apply to each element and returns a boolean deciding if it will be included or not


>>> d1 = osm.Osm()
>>> n1 = d1.Node(1, 1, tags={'tourism': 'viewpoint'})
>>> n2 = d1.Node(2, 2, tags={'amenity': 'cafe'})
>>> d2 = osm.Osm()
>>> d2.append(d1)  # all
>>> d3 = osm.Osm()
>>> d3.append(d1, lambda e: 'amenity' in e.tags)  # only amenities
property attrs

Return dictionary of properties in self._attr_list.

get(eid, etype='n')[source]

Return element by its id.

static get_outline(elements)[source]

For a set of elements, get all Way and outer ways in MultiPolygon.


Merge elements with the same geometry.

property nodes

Return list of nodes in elements.

property relations

Return list of relations in elements.


Remove el from element, from its parents and its orphaned children.

replace(n1, n2)[source]

Replace n1 witn n2 in elements.

property ways

Return list of ways in elements.

class catatom2osm.osm.Polygon(container, rings=[], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: catatom2osm.osm.Relation

Helper to create a multipolygon type relation with only one outer ring.

class catatom2osm.osm.Relation(container, members=[], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: catatom2osm.osm.Element

A relation is a collection of nodes, ways or relations with a role.

class Member(element, role=None)[source]

Bases: object

An element is member of a relation with a role.

property attrs
property ref
property type
append(m, role=None)[source]

Add a member.

property childs

Return set of unique members elements.


Copy self in another container.


Return tuple of coordinates.


Return true if this is valid as a multipolygon relation.


Return equivalent geometry removing inner rings.


Remove e from members.

replace(e1, e2)[source]

Replace first occurrence of element e1 with e2.

class catatom2osm.osm.Way(container, nodes=[], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: catatom2osm.osm.Element

Define a way as a list of nodes.


Append n to nodes.

property childs

Return set of unique nodes.


Remove consecutive duplicated nodes.


Copy self in another container.


Return tuple of coordinates.


Return true if the way is closed.


Return true if the way is not closed.


Remove n from nodes.

replace(n1, n2)[source]

Replace first occurence of node n1 with n2.

search_node(x, y)[source]

Return osm node of way in the given position or None.


Return the area for a closed way or 0, + for CCW nodes, - for CW.