Código fuente para catatom2osm.app

"""Main application processes."""
import codecs
import gzip
import io
import logging
import os
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob
from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile

# isort: off
from past.builtins import basestring  # NOQA: F401 - qgis/utils.py:744: Warning

# isort: on
import qgis.utils
from osgeo import gdal
from qgis.core import QgsApplication, QgsGeometry, QgsVectorLayer

from catatom2osm import cdau  # NOQA: F401 - Used in get_auxiliary_addresses
from catatom2osm import boundary, catatom, cbcn, config, csvtools, geo, osmxml, overpass
from catatom2osm.exceptions import CatIOError, CatValueError
from catatom2osm.report import instance as report

qgis_utils = getattr(qgis.utils, "QGis", getattr(qgis.utils, "Qgis", None))

log = logging.getLogger(config.app_name)
if config.silence_gdal:

tasks_folder = "tasks"

[documentos]class QgsSingleton(QgsApplication): """Keep a unique instance of QGIS for the application (and tests).""" _qgs = None def __new__(cls): if QgsSingleton._qgs is None: # Init qGis API QgsSingleton._qgs = QgsApplication([], False) qgis_prefix = os.getenv("QGISHOME") if qgis_prefix: QgsApplication.setPrefixPath(qgis_prefix, True) QgsApplication.initQgis() # sets GDAL to convert xlink references to fields but not resolve gdal.SetConfigOption("GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS", "YES") gdal.SetConfigOption("GML_SKIP_RESOLVE_ELEMS", "ALL") return QgsSingleton._qgs
[documentos]class CatAtom2Osm(object): """Main application class.""" def __init__(self, a_path, options): """ Application constructor. Args: a_path (str): Directory where the source files are located. options (dict): Dictionary of options. """ self.options = options self.cat = catatom.Reader(a_path) self.path = self.cat.path report.clear(options=self.options.args, mun_code=self.cat.zip_code) if config.report_system_info: report.qgs_version = qgis_utils.QGIS_VERSION report.gdal_version = gdal.__version__ log.debug(_("Initialized QGIS %s API"), report.qgs_version) log.debug(_("Using GDAL %s"), report.gdal_version) if not options.building and not options.address: options.address = True options.building = True opt = "" if not self.options.address: opt = "-b" elif not self.options.building: opt = "-d" self.tasks_folder = tasks_folder + opt self.tasks_path = self.cat.get_path(self.tasks_folder) if self.options.zoning: self.options.address = False fn = self.options.split or "" bkp_dir = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] self.bkp_path = self.cat.get_path(bkp_dir) self.highway_names_path = self.cat.get_path("highway_names.csv") self.is_new = not os.path.exists(self.highway_names_path) self.source = "building" self.aux_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), config.aux_path) if self.options.address and not self.options.building: self.source = "address"
[documentos] @staticmethod def create_and_run(a_path, options): app = CatAtom2Osm(a_path, options) app.run() app.exit()
[documentos] @staticmethod def get_task_comment(label): """Return comment for task with this label.""" comment = " ".join( ( config.changeset_tags["comment"], report.mun_code, report.mun_name, label, ) ) return comment
[documentos] def run(self): """Launch the app processing.""" if self.options.comment: self.add_comments() return self.get_boundary() self.get_split() if self.options.info: self.get_parcel() self.get_building() self.get_address() report.tags_for_info() fn = f"_{self.options.split}" if self.options.split else "" report.export(self.cat.get_path(f"info{fn}.json")) return if self.options.address and not self.is_new: log.info(_("Resume processing '%s'"), report.mun_code) self.resume_address() else: log.info(_("Start processing '%s'"), report.mun_code) if report.get("split_name"): log.info(_("Administrative boundary: '%s'"), report.split_name) elif self.options.split: log.info(_("Split: '%s'"), self.options.split) self.get_parcel() self.get_building() self.get_zoning() if self.options.zoning: self.export_poly() self.process_building() self.process_parcel() if self.options.address: self.get_address() self.stop_address() return if self.options.address: self.process_address() self.address.reproject() if not self.options.zoning: self.building.reproject() self.process_tasks(getattr(self, self.source)) self.output_zoning() self.finish()
[documentos] def add_comments(self): """Recover missing task files metadata after JOSM editing.""" folder = os.path.basename(self.tasks_path) report_path = self.cat.get_path("report.json") if not os.path.exists(report_path): log.info(_("No report found")) return report.from_file(report_path) tasks = 0 for fn in os.listdir(self.tasks_path): if fn.endswith(".osm") or fn.endswith(".osm.gz"): tasks += 1 label = os.path.basename(fn).split(".")[0] data = self.read_osm(folder, fn) fixmes = sum([1 for e in data.elements if "fixme" in e.tags]) if fixmes > 0: log.warning(_("Check %d fixme tags"), fixmes) oldtags = dict(data.tags) data.tags.update(config.changeset_tags) data.tags["comment"] = self.get_task_comment(label) data.tags["generator"] = report.app_version if "building_date" in report.values: data.tags["source:date"] = report.building_date if "address_date" in report.values: data.tags["source:date:addr"] = report.address_date if data.tags != oldtags: self.write_osm(data, folder, fn) if not tasks: log.info(_("No tasks found"))
[documentos] def get_split(self): """Get boundary file for splitting.""" self.split = None if self.options.split: fn = self.options.split if not os.path.exists(fn): if "." not in os.path.basename(fn): fn += ".osm" if not os.path.exists(fn) and fn == os.path.basename(fn): fn = self.cat.get_path(fn) if fn.endswith(".osm"): fn += "|layername=multipolygons" split = geo.BaseLayer(fn, "zoningsplit", "ogr") if split.isValid(): report.split_file = self.options.split else: msg = "Can't open %s" % self.options.split fn = self.options.split if os.path.basename(fn) == fn and "." not in fn: report.split_id = fn fn = boundary.get_boundary(self.path, self.boundary_search_area, fn) name = fn.replace(".osm|layername=multipolygons", "") report.split_name = name.split("/")[-1].replace("_", " ") split = geo.BaseLayer(fn, "zoningsplit", "ogr") if not split.isValid(): raise CatIOError(msg) else: raise CatIOError(msg) self.split = geo.PolygonLayer("MultiPolygon", "split", "memory") q = lambda f, __: f.geometry().wkbType() == geo.types.WKBMultiPolygon self.split.append(split, query=q) if self.split.featureCount() == 0: msg = _("'%s' does not include any polygon") % self.options.split raise CatValueError(msg)
[documentos] def get_parcel(self): """Get parcels dataset.""" parcel_gml = self.cat.read("cadastralparcel") report.cat_mun = self.cat.cat_mun self.parcel = geo.ParcelLayer(self.cat.zip_code) self.parcel.source_date = parcel_gml.source_date q = None if self.split: if self.split.crs() != parcel_gml.crs(): self.split.reproject(parcel_gml.crs()) q = lambda f, __: self.split.is_inside_area(f) elif self.options.parcel: localid = self.options.parcel[0] try: pa = next(parcel_gml.search(f"localId = '{localid}'")) except StopIteration: msg = _("Parcel '%s' does not exists") % localid raise CatValueError(msg) bb = pa.geometry().boundingBox().buffered(config.parcel_buffer) g = QgsGeometry.fromRect(bb) q = lambda f, __: geo.tools.is_inside(f, g) self.parcel_query = q self.parcel.append(parcel_gml, query=q) del parcel_gml if self.parcel.featureCount() == 0: raise CatValueError(_("No parcels data"))
[documentos] def get_building(self): """Merge building, parts and pools.""" building_gml = self.cat.read("building") other_gml = self.cat.read("otherconstruction", True) if not self.options.info: self.parcel.delete_void_parcels(building_gml, other_gml) self.parcel.clean() self.parcel.create_missing_parcels(building_gml, other_gml, split=self.split) self.tasks = {f["localId"]: f["localId"] for f in self.parcel.getFeatures()} self.building = geo.ConsLayer() self.building.source_date = building_gml.source_date q = None if self.split or self.options.parcel: q = lambda f, kw: self.building.get_id(f) in kw["keys"] self.building.append(building_gml, query=q, keys=self.tasks.keys()) del building_gml inbu = self.building.featureCount() if inbu == 0: raise CatValueError(_("No buildings data")) if other_gml: self.building.append(other_gml, query=q, keys=self.tasks.keys()) del other_gml if self.options.address and not self.options.building: return inpo = self.building.featureCount() - inbu part_gml = self.cat.read("buildingpart") self.building.append(part_gml, query=q, keys=self.tasks.keys()) del part_gml if self.options.building: report.building_date = self.building.source_date report.inp_features = self.building.featureCount() report.inp_buildings = inbu report.inp_pools = inpo report.inp_parts = report.inp_features - inbu - inpo
[documentos] def process_tasks(self, source): """Convert to osm for each task.""" if not os.path.exists(self.tasks_path): os.makedirs(self.tasks_path) tasks = self.get_tasks(source) tasks_r = 0 tasks_u = 0 to_clean = [] to_change = {} report.parcel_parts = config.parcel_parts report.parcel_dist = config.parcel_dist for pa in self.parcel.getFeatures(): label = pa["localId"] task = tasks.get(label, None) if task is None: to_clean.append(pa.id()) continue if len(pa["zone"]) == 3: tasks_r += 1 else: tasks_u += 1 comment = self.get_task_comment(label) task_osm = task.to_osm(upload="yes", tags={"comment": comment}) if self.options.address and self.options.building: self.merge_address(task_osm, self.address_osm) if self.options.address: report.address_stats(task_osm) if self.options.building: report.cons_stats(task_osm, label) report.osm_stats(task_osm) fp = self.cat.get_path(self.tasks_folder, label) if self.split and os.path.exists(fp + ".osm.gz"): if not os.path.exists(self.bkp_path): n = len(glob(fp + "*.osm.gz")) label = f"{label}-{n}" pa["localId"] = label to_change[pa.id()] = geo.tools.get_attributes(pa) self.write_osm(task_osm, self.tasks_folder, label + ".osm.gz") del task if to_clean: self.parcel.writer.deleteFeatures(to_clean) log.debug(_("Removed %d void parcels"), len(to_clean)) if to_change: self.parcel.writer.changeAttributeValues(to_change) log.debug(_("Conflict with %d existing tasks"), len(to_change)) msg = _("Generated %d rustic and %d urban tasks files") log.debug(msg, tasks_r, tasks_u) report.tasks_r = tasks_r report.tasks_u = tasks_u
[documentos] def get_tasks(self, source): """Put each source feature into a task layer.""" if os.path.exists(self.tasks_path): for fn in os.listdir(self.tasks_path): if os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(os.path.join(self.tasks_path, fn)) tasks = {} layer_class = type(source) last_task = None to_add = [] fcount = source.featureCount() for i, feat in enumerate(source.getFeatures()): localid = source.get_id(feat) label = self.tasks.get(localid, localid) if i == 0: last_task = label f = source.copy_feature(feat, {}, {}) if i == fcount - 1 or label == last_task: to_add.append(f) if i == fcount - 1 or label != last_task: if last_task not in tasks: tasks[last_task] = layer_class(baseName=last_task) tasks[last_task].source_date = source.source_date tasks[last_task].writer.addFeatures(to_add) to_add = [f] last_task = label return tasks
[documentos] def get_zoning(self): """Get zoning data.""" zoning_gml = self.cat.read("cadastralzoning") self.rustic_zoning = geo.ZoningLayer(baseName="rusticzoning") self.urban_zoning = geo.ZoningLayer(baseName="urbanzoning") q = lambda f, kw: self.urban_zoning.check_zone(f, kw["level"]) if self.split or self.options.parcel: q = lambda f, kw: ( self.urban_zoning.check_zone(f, kw["level"]) and self.parcel_query(f, kw) ) self.rustic_zoning.append(zoning_gml, query=q, level="P") self.urban_zoning.append(zoning_gml, query=q, level="M") del zoning_gml
[documentos] def get_boundary(self): """Get best boundary search area for overpass queries.""" id, name = boundary.get_municipality(self.cat.zip_code) if id is None: zoning_gml = self.cat.read("cadastralzoning") id, name = boundary.search_municipality( self.cat.cat_mun, zoning_gml.bounding_box() ) if id is None: msg = _("Municipality code '%s' don't exists") % self.cat.zip_code raise CatValueError(msg) self.boundary_search_area = id report.mun_name = name log.info(_("Municipality: '%s'"), name)
[documentos] def output_zoning(self): """Generate project zoning file.""" if not self.options.parcel: self.parcel.topology(dup_thr=20 * config.dup_thr) self.parcel.set_muncode(self.cat.zip_code) report.tasks = self.parcel.featureCount() self.export_layer(self.parcel, "zoning.geojson", target_crs_id=4326) fp = self.cat.get_path("zoning") with ZipFile(fp + ".zip", "w", ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.write(fp + ".geojson", "zoning.geojson")
[documentos] def export_poly(self): bpoly = geo.ZoningLayer() bpoly.append(self.rustic_zoning, level="P") bpoly.reproject() fn = self.cat.get_path("boundary.poly") bpoly.export_poly(fn) log.info(_("Generated '%s'"), fn) del bpoly
[documentos] def process_building(self): """Process all buildings dataset.""" self.building.remove_outside_parts() self.building.remove_parts_wo_building() self.building.explode_multi_parts() self.building.clean() if log.app_level <= logging.DEBUG: fn = "building.geojson" self.export_layer(self.building, fn, "GeoJSON", target_crs_id=4326) if self.options.building: self.building.validate(report.max_level, report.min_level)
[documentos] def process_parcel(self): """Process parcels dataset.""" self.parcel.set_zones(self.urban_zoning) self.parcel.set_zones(self.rustic_zoning) self.parcel.set_missing_zones() tasks1 = self.parcel.merge_by_adjacent_buildings(self.building) for k, v in self.tasks.items(): self.tasks[k] = tasks1.get(v, v) tasks2 = self.parcel.merge_by_parts_count( config.parcel_parts, config.parcel_dist ) for k, v in self.tasks.items(): self.tasks[k] = tasks2.get(v, v)
[documentos] def finish(self): """Generate final report.""" options = self.options if log.app_level > logging.DEBUG: geo.BaseLayer.delete_shp(self.cat.get_path("parcel.shp")) geo.BaseLayer.delete_shp(self.cat.get_path("building.shp")) if report.fixme_stats(): log.warning(_("Check %d fixme tags"), report.fixme_count) fn = self.cat.get_path("review.txt") fixmes = report.get_tasks_with_fixmes() csvtools.dict2csv(fn, fixmes) msg = _("Please, check it before publish") log.info(_("Generated '%s'") + ". " + msg, fn) if options.building: report.cons_end_stats() else: report.clean_group("building") report.validate() report.to_file(self.cat.get_path("report.txt")) report.export(self.cat.get_path("report.json")) self.move_project() log.info(_("Finished!"))
[documentos] def exit(self): """Exit properly.""" for propname in list(self.__dict__.keys()): if isinstance(getattr(self, propname), QgsVectorLayer): delattr(self, propname)
[documentos] def get_cbcn(self): """Read CartoBCN addresses.""" reader = cbcn.Reader(self.aux_path) cbcn_src = reader.read() self.address = cbcn.get_address(cbcn_src, self.parcel) del cbcn_src report.inp_address = self.address.featureCount() report.inp_address_entrance = report.inp_address report.inp_address_parcel = 0 self.address.remove_address_wo_building(self.building) report.inp_zip_codes = 0 report.inp_street_names = self.address.count(unique="TN_text") if self.split or self.options.parcel: self.boundary_bbox = self.parcel.bounding_box() self.export_layer(self.address, "address.geojson", target_crs_id=4326) self.get_translations(self.address)
[documentos] def get_address(self): """Read Address GML dataset.""" if self.cat.zip_code == "08900": self.get_cbcn() return address_gml = self.cat.read("address") report.address_date = address_gml.source_date if address_gml.writer.fieldNameIndex("component_href") == -1: address_gml = self.cat.read("address", force_zip=True) if address_gml.writer.fieldNameIndex("component_href") == -1: msg = ( _("Could not resolve joined tables for the '%s' layer") % address_gml.name() ) raise CatIOError(msg) self.address = geo.AddressLayer(source_date=address_gml.source_date) q = None if self.split or self.options.parcel: q = lambda f, kw: self.address.get_id(f) in kw["keys"] # NOQA: E731 self.boundary_bbox = self.parcel.bounding_box() self.address.append(address_gml, query=q, keys=self.tasks.keys()) del address_gml report.inp_address = self.address.featureCount() report.inp_address_entrance = self.address.count("spec='Entrance'") report.inp_address_parcel = self.address.count("spec='Parcel'") self.get_auxiliary_addresses() self.address.remove_address_wo_building(self.building) if self.options.info: return if report.inp_address == 0: msg = _("No addresses data") if not self.options.building: raise CatValueError(msg) log.info(msg) return postaldescriptor = self.cat.read("postaldescriptor") thoroughfarename = self.cat.read("thoroughfarename") self.address.join_field(postaldescriptor, "PD_id", "gml_id", ["postCode"]) self.address.join_field(thoroughfarename, "TN_id", "gml_id", ["text"], "TN_") del postaldescriptor, thoroughfarename report.inp_zip_codes = self.address.count(unique="postCode") report.inp_street_names = self.address.count(unique="TN_text") self.export_layer(self.address, "address.geojson", target_crs_id=4326) self.get_translations(self.address)
[documentos] def process_address(self): """Fix street names, conflate and move addresses.""" highway_names = self.get_translations(self.address) ia = self.address.translate_field("TN_text", highway_names) if ia > 0: log.debug(_("Deleted %d addresses refused by street name"), ia) report.values["ignored_addresses"] = ia if not self.is_new and not self.options.manual: current_address = self.get_current_ad_osm() self.address.conflate(current_address) self.building.move_address(self.address) self.address.reproject() self.export_layer(self.address, "address_out.geojson") self.address_osm = self.address.to_osm()
[documentos] def stop_address(self): """Save current processing status and exits.""" self.export_layer(self.parcel, "parcel.shp", driver_name="ESRI Shapefile") self.export_layer(self.building, "building.shp", driver_name="ESRI Shapefile") self.address.reproject() address_osm = self.address.to_osm() self.write_osm(address_osm, "address.osm") fn = self.cat.get_path("tasks.csv") csvtools.dict2csv(fn, self.tasks) report.to_file(self.cat.get_path("report.txt")) report.export(self.cat.get_path("report.json")) msg = _("Generated '%s'") % self.highway_names_path msg += ". " + _("Please, check it and run again") log.info(msg)
[documentos] def resume_address(self): """Resume processing for second run of addresses dataset.""" report.from_file(self.cat.get_path("report.json")) fn = self.cat.get_path("tasks.csv") self.tasks = csvtools.csv2dict(fn, exists=True) fn = self.cat.get_path("parcel.shp") parcel = geo.ParcelLayer(self.cat.zip_code, fn, providerLib="ogr") if not parcel.isValid() or parcel.featureCount() == 0: raise CatValueError(_("No parcels data")) self.parcel = geo.ParcelLayer(self.cat.zip_code) self.parcel.append(parcel) del parcel fn = self.cat.get_path("building.shp") building = geo.ConsLayer(fn, providerLib="ogr") if not building.isValid() or building.featureCount() == 0: raise CatValueError(_("No buildings data")) self.building = geo.ConsLayer() self.building.append(building) del building fn = self.cat.get_path("address.geojson") address = geo.AddressLayer(fn, providerLib="ogr") if not address.isValid() or address.featureCount() == 0: raise CatValueError(_("No addresses data")) self.address = geo.AddressLayer() self.address.rename = {} self.address.resolve = {} self.address.append(address) self.address.reproject(self.building.crs()) del address if self.split or self.options.parcel: self.boundary_bbox = self.parcel.bounding_box()
[documentos] def get_auxiliary_addresses(self): """Read and conflate auxiliary sources of addresses data.""" for source in list(config.aux_address.keys()): if self.cat.zip_code[:2] in config.aux_address[source]: aux_source = globals()[source] reader = aux_source.Reader(self.aux_path) aux = reader.read(self.cat.zip_code[:2]) aux_source.conflate(aux, self.address, self.cat.zip_code, self.split)
[documentos] def merge_address(self, building_osm, address_osm): """ Copy address from address_osm to building_osm using 'ref' tag. If there exists one building with the same 'ref' that an address, copy the address tags to the building if it isn't a 'entrace' type address or else to the entrance if there exist a node with the address coordinates in the building. Precondition: building.move_address deleted addresses belonging to multiple buildings Args: building_osm (Osm): OSM data set with buildings address_osm (Osm): OSM data set with addresses """ if "source:date" in address_osm.tags: building_osm.tags["source:date:addr"] = address_osm.tags["source:date"] address_index = defaultdict(list) building_index = defaultdict(list) for bu in building_osm.elements: if "ref" in bu.tags: building_index[bu.tags["ref"]].append(bu) for ad in address_osm.nodes: if ad.tags["ref"] in building_index: address_index[ad.tags["ref"]].append(ad) md = 0 for (ref, group) in list(building_index.items()): parcel_ad = [] entrance_count = 0 for ad in address_index[ref]: entrance = False if "entrance" in ad.tags: for w in building_osm.get_outline(group): entrance = w.search_node(ad.x, ad.y) if entrance: entrance.tags.update(ad.tags) entrance.tags.pop("ref", None) entrance.tags.pop("image", None) break if entrance: entrance_count += 1 else: parcel_ad.append(ad) if len(parcel_ad) == 1 and entrance_count == 0: ad = parcel_ad.pop() bu = group[0] bu.tags.update(ad.tags) bu.tags.pop("image", None) bu.tags.pop("entrance", None) md += len(parcel_ad) if md > 0: log.debug(_("Refused %d 'parcel' addresses not unique for it building"), md) report.inc("not_unique_addresses", md)
[documentos] def get_translations(self, address): """ Get the translate file. If there exists the translation file 'highway_types.csv', read it, else write one with default values. If the translations file 'highway_names.csv' don't exist, creates one parsing current OSM highways data, else reads and returns it as a dictionary. * 'highway_types.csv' List of osm elements in json format located in the application path that contains translations from abbreviations to full types of highways. * 'highway_names.csv' is located in the outputh folder and contains corrections for original highway names. """ highway_types_path = os.path.join(config.app_path, "highway_types.csv") if not os.path.exists(highway_types_path): csvtools.dict2csv(highway_types_path, config.highway_types) else: csvtools.csv2dict(highway_types_path, config.highway_types) if self.is_new: if self.options.manual: highway = None place = None else: highway = self.get_highway() highway.reproject(address.crs()) place = self.get_place() place.reproject(address.crs()) highway_names = address.get_names(highway, place) csvtools.dict2csv(self.highway_names_path, highway_names, sort=1) else: highway_names = csvtools.csv2dict(self.highway_names_path, {}) for key, value in list(highway_names.items()): v = value if isinstance(value, str) else value[0] highway_names[key] = v.strip() return highway_names
[documentos] def get_place(self): """Get OSM places for street names conflation.""" ql = [ 'node["place"]["name"]', 'way["place"]["name"]', 'relation["place"]["name"]', ] place_osm = self.read_osm("current_place.osm", ql=ql) place = geo.PlaceLayer() place.read_from_osm(place_osm) del place_osm return place
[documentos] def get_highway(self): """Get OSM highways for street names conflation.""" ql = [ 'way["highway"]["name"]', 'relation["highway"]["name"]', 'way["place"="square"]["name"]', 'relation["place"="square"]["name"]', ] highway_osm = self.read_osm("current_highway.osm", ql=ql) highway = geo.HighwayLayer() highway.read_from_osm(highway_osm) del highway_osm return highway
[documentos] def get_current_ad_osm(self): """Get OSM address for conflation.""" ql = [ 'node["addr:street"]["addr:housenumber"]["entrance"]', 'wr["addr:street"]["addr:housenumber"][~"building"~".*"]', 'nwr["addr:place"]["addr:housenumber"]', ] address_osm = self.read_osm("current_address.osm", ql=ql) current_address = set() w = 0 report.osm_addresses = 0 for d in address_osm.elements: if "addr:housenumber" not in d.tags: if "addr:street" in d.tags or "addr:place" in d.tags: w += 1 elif "addr:street" in d.tags: current_address.add(d.tags["addr:street"] + d.tags["addr:housenumber"]) report.osm_addresses += 1 elif "addr:place" in d.tags: current_address.add(d.tags["addr:place"] + d.tags["addr:housenumber"]) report.osm_addresses += 1 if w > 0: msg = _("There are %d address without house number in the OSM data") % w log.warning(msg) report.warnings.append(msg) report.osm_addresses_without_number = w return current_address
[documentos] def move_project(self): """ Move to tasks all files needed for the backup the in the repository. Use a subdirectory if it's a split municipality. """ if not os.path.exists(self.bkp_path): os.makedirs(self.bkp_path) move_files = [ "current_address.osm", "current_highway.osm", "highway_names.csv", "tasks.csv", ] copy_files = [ "address.osm", "address.geojson", "zoning.geojson", "zoning.zip", "report.txt", "review.txt", "report.json", ] if self.options.split: shutil.move(self.tasks_path, self.bkp_path) bkp_path = os.path.join(self.bkp_path, self.tasks_folder) if self.options.split: if self.options.split == report.get("split_id", " "): copy_files.append(report.split_name.replace(" ", "_") + ".osm") else: copy_files.append(self.options.split) for f in move_files: fn = self.cat.get_path(f) if os.path.exists(fn): os.rename(fn, os.path.join(bkp_path, f)) for f in copy_files: fn = self.cat.get_path(f) if os.path.exists(fn): shutil.copy(fn, bkp_path)
[documentos] def export_layer(self, layer, filename, driver_name="GeoJSON", target_crs_id=None): """ Export a vector layer. Args: layer (QgsVectorLayer): Source layer. filename (str): Output filename. driver_name (str): name of OGR driver (or get it from filename). target_crs_id (int): Defaults to source CRS. """ out_path = self.cat.get_path(filename) if layer.export(out_path, driver_name, target_crs_id=target_crs_id): log.info(_("Generated '%s'"), filename) else: raise CatIOError(_("Failed to write layer: '%s'") % filename)
[documentos] def read_osm(self, *paths, **kwargs): """ Read an OSM data set from an OSM XML file. If the file not exists, downloads data from overpass using ql query. Args: paths (str): input filename components relative to self.path ql (str): Query to put in the url for overpass Returns Osm: OSM data set """ ql = kwargs.get("ql", False) osm_path = self.cat.get_path(*paths) filename = os.path.basename(osm_path) if not os.path.exists(osm_path): if not ql: return None log.info(_("Downloading '%s'") % filename) query = overpass.Query(self.boundary_search_area) if hasattr(self, "boundary_bbox") and self.boundary_bbox: query.set_search_area(self.boundary_bbox) query.add(ql) if log.app_level == logging.DEBUG: query.download(osm_path, log) else: query.download(osm_path) if osm_path.endswith(".gz"): fo = gzip.open(osm_path, "rb") else: fo = open(osm_path, "rb") data = osmxml.deserialize(fo) fo.close() if len(data.elements) == 0: msg = _("No OSM data were obtained from '%s'") % filename log.warning(msg) report.warnings.append(msg) else: log.info( _("Read '%s': %d nodes, %d ways, %d relations"), filename, len(data.nodes), len(data.ways), len(data.relations), ) return data
[documentos] def write_osm(self, data, *paths): """ Generate an OSM XML file for an OSM data set. Args: data (Osm): OSM data set paths (str): output filename components relative to self.path (compress if ends with .gz) """ for e in data.elements: if "ref" in e.tags: del e.tags["ref"] data.merge_duplicated() osm_path = self.cat.get_path(*paths) if osm_path.endswith(".gz"): file_obj = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(gzip.open(osm_path, "w")) else: file_obj = io.open(osm_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") osmxml.serialize(file_obj, data) file_obj.close() msg = _("Generated '%s': %d nodes, %d ways, %d relations") log.info( msg, os.path.basename(osm_path), len(data.nodes), len(data.ways), len(data.relations), )