Código fuente para catatom2osm.csvtools

"""CSV related help functions."""
import csv
import io
import os

from catatom2osm import config
from catatom2osm.exceptions import CatIOError

[documentos]def dict2csv(csv_path, a_dict, sort=None): """ Write a dictionary to a csv file. Optinally sorted by key (sort=0) or value (sort=1) """ with io.open(csv_path, "w", encoding=config.encoding) as csv_file: dictitems = list(a_dict.items()) if sort in [0, 1]: dictitems.sort(key=lambda x: x[sort]) for (k, v) in dictitems: row = v if isinstance(v, (list, tuple, set)): row = config.delimiter.join(v) csv_file.write("%s%s%s%s" % (k, config.delimiter, row, "\n"))
[documentos]def csv2dict(csv_path, a_dict=None, exists=False, single=True): """Read a dictionary from a csv file.""" a_dict = {} if a_dict is None else a_dict msg = _("Failed to load CSV file '%s'") % os.path.basename(csv_path) if os.path.exists(csv_path): with open(csv_path) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=str(config.delimiter)) for row in csv_reader: if len(row) < 2: raise CatIOError(msg) a_dict[row[0]] = row[1] if single else row[1:] elif exists: raise CatIOError(msg) return a_dict
[documentos]def filter(csv_path, *args, query=lambda row, args: True, stop=False): """ Return csv rows filtered using query. Args: args: aditional arguments for query function query (func): function with args row and wargs that returns a boolean deciding if each row will be included or not stop (bool): Stop at first match or get all """ output = [] with open(csv_path) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=str(config.delimiter)) for row in csv_reader: if query(row, args): if stop: return row output.append(row) return output
[documentos]def get_key(csv_path, key): """Get a row given first column value.""" def query(row, args): return row[0] == args[0] return search(csv_path, key, query=query)
[documentos]def startswith(csv_path, key): """Get rows which first column starts with key.""" def query(row, args): return row[0].startswith(args[0]) return filter(csv_path, key, query=query)