Código fuente para catatom2osm.geo.layer.parcel

import logging
from collections import defaultdict

from qgis.core import QgsFeature, QgsField, QgsGeometry, QgsRectangle
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QVariant

from catatom2osm import config
from catatom2osm.geo.geometry import Geometry
from catatom2osm.geo.layer.cons import ConsLayer
from catatom2osm.geo.layer.polygon import PolygonLayer
from catatom2osm.geo.tools import get_attributes, is_inside_area, merge_groups

log = logging.getLogger(config.app_name)

[documentos]class ParcelLayer(PolygonLayer): """Class for cadastral parcels.""" def __init__( self, mun_code, path="MultiPolygon", baseName="cadastralparcel", providerLib="memory", source_date=None, ): super(ParcelLayer, self).__init__(path, baseName, providerLib) if self.fields().isEmpty(): self.writer.addAttributes( [ QgsField("localId", QVariant.String, len=14), QgsField("parts", QVariant.Int), QgsField("zone", QVariant.String, len=5), QgsField("type", QVariant.String, len=10), QgsField("muncode", QVariant.String, len=5), ] ) self.updateFields() self.mun_code = mun_code self.rename = {"localId": "inspireId_localId"} self.source_date = source_date self.mun_code = mun_code
[documentos] def delete_void_parcels(self, *sources): """Remove parcels without buildings (or pools)/addresses.""" refs = [] for source in sources: if source is not None: for f in source.getFeatures(): refs.append(ConsLayer.get_id(f)) to_clean = [f.id() for f in self.getFeatures() if f["localId"] not in refs] if to_clean: self.writer.deleteFeatures(to_clean) log.debug(_("Removed %d void parcels"), len(to_clean))
[documentos] def create_missing_parcels(self, *sources, split=None): """Create fake parcels for buildings not contained in any.""" pa_refs = [f["localId"] for f in self.getFeatures()] to_add = {} for source in sources: if source is None: continue for feat in source.getFeatures(): ref = ConsLayer.get_id(feat) if ref not in pa_refs: mp = Geometry.get_outer_rings(feat) geom = Geometry.fromMultiPolygonXY(mp) if ref in to_add: parcel = to_add[ref] geom = parcel.geometry().combine(geom) parcel.setGeometry(geom) to_add[ref] = parcel elif split is None or split.is_inside_area(geom): parcel = QgsFeature(self.fields()) parcel["localId"] = ref parcel.setGeometry(geom) to_add[ref] = parcel if to_add: self.writer.addFeatures(to_add.values()) log.debug(_("Added %d missing parcels"), len(to_add))
[documentos] def set_muncode(self, muncode): """Assign to each parcel the code of the municipality.""" to_change = {} for pa in self.getFeatures(): pa["muncode"] = muncode to_change[pa.id()] = get_attributes(pa) if to_change: self.writer.changeAttributeValues(to_change)
[documentos] def set_zones(self, zoning): """Assign to each parcel the label of the zone that contains it.""" index = zoning.get_index() features = {f.id(): f for f in zoning.getFeatures()} to_change = {} for pa in self.getFeatures(): if pa["zone"] is None: c = pa.geometry().centroid().asPoint() bb = QgsRectangle(c, c) fids = index.intersects(bb) for fid in fids: zone = features[fid] label = zoning.format_label(zone) pa_label = self.get_zone(pa) if pa_label == label or is_inside_area(pa, zone): if str(label) == "inf": label = pa_label pa["zone"] = label to_change[pa.id()] = get_attributes(pa) break msg = _("Assigned %d zones from %s to parcels") log.debug(msg, len(to_change), self.sourceName()) if to_change: self.writer.changeAttributeValues(to_change)
[documentos] def set_missing_zones(self): """Assign label from cadastral reference if no zone exists.""" to_change = {} m = 0 for pa in self.getFeatures(): if pa["zone"] is None: m += 1 pa["zone"] = self.get_zone(pa) pa["type"] = _("Rustic") if len(pa["zone"]) == 3 else _("Urban") pa["type"] = pa["type"].replace("ú", "ú") to_change[pa.id()] = get_attributes(pa) if m: log.debug(_("There are %d parcels without zone"), m) self.writer.changeAttributeValues(to_change)
[documentos] def get_groups_by_adjacent_buildings(self, buildings): """Get groups of parcel ids with buildings sharing walls in another parcel.""" exp = "NOT(localId ~ 'part')" bu_groups, __ = buildings.get_contacts_and_geometries(exp) bu_refs = {f.id(): ConsLayer.get_id(f) for f in buildings.search(exp)} geometries = {} pa_ids = {} pa_refs = {} pa_zone = {} for f in self.getFeatures(): geometries[f.id()] = QgsGeometry(f.geometry()) pa_ids[f["localId"]] = f.id() pa_refs[f.id()] = f["localId"] pa_zone[f.id()] = self.get_zone(f) adjs = defaultdict(list) for group in bu_groups: pids = set() for bid in group: ref = bu_refs[bid] pids.add(pa_ids[ref]) k = "-".join(set([pa_zone[fid] for fid in pids])) adjs[k].append(pids) mz_groups = {k for k in adjs.keys() if "-" in k} mz_groups |= {z for k in mz_groups for z in k.split("-")} pa_groups = merge_groups([adj for z in mz_groups for adj in adjs[z]]) for z, adj in adjs.items(): if z not in mz_groups: if len(adj) == 1: pa_groups.append(adj[0]) else: for group in merge_groups(adj): pa_groups.append(group) return pa_groups, pa_refs, geometries
[documentos] def update_parts_count(self, pa_groups, pa_refs, parts_count): tasks = {} self.startEditing() for group in pa_groups: pc = 0 targetid = pa_refs[group[0]] for fid in group: localid = pa_refs[fid] tasks[localid] = targetid pc += parts_count[localid] fnx = self.writer.fieldNameIndex("parts") self.changeAttributeValue(group[0], fnx, pc) self.commitChanges() return tasks
[documentos] def merge_by_adjacent_buildings(self, buildings): """Merge parcels with buildings sharing walls with in another parcel.""" def area(fid): return geometries[fid].area() parts_count = self.count_parts(buildings) pa_groups, pa_refs, geometries = self.get_groups_by_adjacent_buildings( buildings ) self.merge_geometries(pa_groups, geometries, area, True, False) tasks = self.update_parts_count(pa_groups, pa_refs, parts_count) return tasks
[documentos] def count_parts(self, buildings): """Add count of parts in parcel field.""" parts_count = defaultdict(int) for f in buildings.getFeatures(): parts_count[buildings.get_id(f)] += 1 to_change = {} for f in self.getFeatures(): f["parts"] = parts_count[f["localId"]] to_change[f.id()] = get_attributes(f) self.writer.changeAttributeValues(to_change) return dict(parts_count)
[documentos] def get_zone(self, feat): zone = feat["zone"] if zone is None: localid = feat["localId"] zone = localid[0:5] if zone == self.mun_code: zone = localid[6:9] return zone
[documentos] def get_groups_by_parts_count(self, max_parts, buffer): """Get groups of ids of near parcels with less than max_parts.""" def distance(fid): return centro.distance(geometries[fid].centroid()) parts_count = {} geometries = {} pa_refs = {} zoning = defaultdict(list) for pa in self.getFeatures(): geometries[pa.id()] = QgsGeometry(pa.geometry()) parts_count[pa["localId"]] = pa["parts"] pa_refs[pa.id()] = pa["localId"] zoning[self.get_zone(pa)].append(pa.id()) pa_groups = [] visited = [] for pa in self.getFeatures(): if pa.id() in visited: continue pc = pa["parts"] geom = geometries[pa.id()] centro = geom.centroid() label = self.get_zone(pa) candidates = [ fid for fid in zoning[label] if parts_count[pa_refs[fid]] <= max_parts - pc and distance(fid) < buffer ] candidates = sorted(candidates, key=distance) group = [] pcsum = 0 for fid in candidates: pc = parts_count[pa_refs[fid]] if pcsum + pc <= max_parts and fid not in visited: visited.append(fid) group.append(fid) pcsum += pc if group: pa_groups.append(group) return pa_groups, pa_refs, geometries, parts_count
[documentos] def merge_by_parts_count(self, max_parts, buffer): """Merge parcels in groups with less than max_parts.""" pa_groups, pa_refs, geometries, parts_count = self.get_groups_by_parts_count( max_parts, buffer ) self.merge_geometries(pa_groups, geometries, None, False, False) tasks = self.update_parts_count(pa_groups, pa_refs, parts_count) return tasks
[documentos] def clean(self): """ Clean geometries. Delete invalid geometries and close vertices, add topological points and simplify vertices. """ self.delete_invalid_geometries() self.topology() self.simplify()