"""Statistics report."""
import io
import json
import locale
import platform
import time
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
import psutil
from catatom2osm import config
TAB = " "
SEP = ": "
MEMORY_UNIT = 1048576.0
int_format = lambda v: locale.format_string("%d", v, True)
[documentos]class Report(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.titles = OrderedDict(
("fixme_counter", None),
("min_level", None),
("max_level", None),
("building_counter", None),
("mun_name", _("Municipality")),
("cat_mun", _("Cadastre name")),
("mun_code", _("Code")),
("split_id", _("Split ID")),
("split_name", _("Split name")),
("split_file", _("Split file")),
("date", _("Date")),
("options", _("Options")),
("language", _("Language")),
("group_system_info", _("System info")),
("app_version", _("Application version")),
("platform", _("Platform")),
("qgs_version", _("QGIS version")),
("gdal_version", _("GDAL version")),
("cpu_count", _("CPU count")),
("cpu_freq", _("CPU frequency")),
("ex_time", _("Execution time")),
("memory", _("Total memory")),
("rss", _("Physical memory usage")),
("vms", _("Virtual memory usage")),
("group_address", _("Addresses")),
("subgroup_ad_cdau", "CDAU"),
("inp_address_cdau", _("Feature count")),
("rep_address_cdau", _("Replaced addresses")),
("add_address_cdau", _("Added addresses")),
("subgroup_ad_input", _("Input data")),
("address_date", _("Source date")),
("inp_address", _("Feature count")),
("inp_address_entrance", TAB + _("Type entrance")),
("inp_address_parcel", TAB + _("Type parcel")),
("inp_zip_codes", _("Postal codes")),
("inp_street_names", _("Street names")),
("subgroup_ad_process", _("Process")),
_("Addresses without associated building excluded"),
("ignored_addresses", _("Addresses deleted by street name")),
_("Addresses without house number deleted"),
_("Addresses belonging to multiple buildings deleted"),
_("'Parcel' addresses not unique for its building deleted"),
("subgroup_ad_conflation", _("Conflation")),
("osm_addresses", _("OSM addresses ")),
("osm_addresses_without_number", TAB + _("Without house number")),
_("Addresses rejected because they exist in OSM"),
("subgroup_ad_output", _("Output data")),
("out_address", _("Addresses")),
("out_address_entrance", TAB + _("In entrance nodes")),
("out_address_parcel", TAB + _("In parcels")),
("out_addr_str", TAB + _("Type addr:street")),
("out_addr_plc", TAB + _("Type addr:place")),
("group_buildings", _("Buildings")),
("subgroup_bu_input", _("Input data")),
("building_date", _("Source date")),
("inp_features", _("Feature count")),
("inp_buildings", TAB + _("Buildings")),
("inp_parts", TAB + _("Building parts")),
("inp_pools", TAB + _("Swimming pools")),
("orphaned_parts", _("Parts without associated building excluded")),
("subgroup_bu_process", _("Process")),
("parts_wo_building", _("Parts without building deleted")),
("outside_parts", _("Parts outside outline deleted")),
("underground_parts", _("Parts with no floors above ground")),
("multipart_geoms_building", _("Buildings with multipart geometries")),
_("Buildings resulting from splitting multiparts"),
("parts_to_outline", _("Parts merged to the outline")),
("adjacent_parts", _("Adjacent parts merged")),
_("Buildings coincidents with a swimming pool deleted"),
("geom_parts_building", _("Invalid geometry parts deleted")),
("geom_rings_building", _("Invalid geometry rings deleted")),
("geom_invalid_building", _("Invalid geometries deleted")),
("vertex_zigzag_building", _("Zig-zag vertices deleted")),
("vertex_spike_building", _("Spike vertices deleted")),
("vertex_close_building", _("Close vertices merged")),
("vertex_topo_building", _("Topological points created")),
("vertex_simplify_building", _("Simplified vertices")),
("subgroup_bu_conflation", _("Conflation")),
("osm_buildings", _("Buildings/pools in OSM")),
("osm_building_conflicts", TAB + _("With conflict")),
("subgroup_bu_output", _("Output data")),
("nodes", _("Nodes")),
("ways", _("Ways")),
("relations", _("Relations")),
("out_features", _("Feature count")),
("out_buildings", TAB + _("Buildings")),
("out_parts", TAB + _("Buildings parts")),
("out_pools", TAB + _("Swimming pools")),
("pools_on_roofs", TAB + TAB + _("Over buildings")),
("building_types", _("Building types counter")),
("dlag", _("Max. levels above ground (level: # of buildings)")),
("dlbg", _("Min. levels below ground (level: # of buildings)")),
("group_tasks", _("Project")),
("parcel_parts", _("Building parts threshold")),
("parcel_dist", _("Distance threshold")),
("tasks", _("Tasks files")),
("tasks_r", TAB + _("Rustic")),
("tasks_u", TAB + _("Urban")),
("group_problems", _("Problems")),
("errors", _("Report validation:")),
("fixme_count", _("Fixmes")),
("fixmes", ""),
("warnings", _("Warnings:")),
self.formats = {
"cpu_freq": lambda v: locale.format_string("%.1f Mhz", v, True),
"ex_time": lambda v: locale.format_string("%.1f " + _("seconds"), v, True),
"memory": lambda v: locale.format_string("%.2f ", v, True) + MEMORY_LABEL,
"rss": lambda v: locale.format_string("%.2f ", v, True) + MEMORY_LABEL,
"vms": lambda v: locale.format_string("%.2f ", v, True) + MEMORY_LABEL,
[documentos] def clear(self, **kwargs):
self.start_time = time.time()
self.values = {
"date": datetime.now().strftime("%x"),
"warnings": [],
"errors": [],
"min_level": {},
"max_level": {},
"fixme_counter": Counter(),
"building_counter": Counter(),
self.language = config.language
if config.report_system_info:
self.tasks_with_fixmes = Counter()
for k, v in list(kwargs.items()):
self.values[k] = v
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key != "titles" and key in self.titles.keys():
self.values[key] = value
super(Report, self).__setattr__(key, value)
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key != "titles" and key in self.titles.keys():
return self.values[key]
return super(Report, self).__getattribute__(key)
[documentos] def address_stats(self, address_osm):
for el in address_osm.elements:
if "addr:street" in el.tags:
if "addr:place" in el.tags:
if "addr:street" in el.tags or "addr:place" in el.tags:
if el.type == "node" and "entrance" in el.tags:
if "entrance" not in el.tags:
[documentos] def cons_stats(self, data, task_label=None):
for el in data.elements:
if "leisure" in el.tags and el.tags["leisure"] == "swimming_pool":
if "building" in el.tags:
self.building_counter[el.tags["building"]] += 1
if "building:part" in el.tags:
if "fixme" in el.tags:
self.fixme_counter[el.tags["fixme"]] += 1
if task_label is not None:
self.tasks_with_fixmes[task_label] += 1
[documentos] def get_tasks_with_fixmes(self):
fixmes = self.tasks_with_fixmes
return {k: fixmes[k] for k in sorted(fixmes.keys())}
[documentos] def osm_stats(self, data):
self.inc("nodes", len(data.nodes))
self.inc("ways", len(data.ways))
self.inc("relations", len(data.relations))
[documentos] def cons_end_stats(self):
self.dlag = ", ".join(
"%d: %d" % (l, c)
for (l, c) in list(
self.dlbg = ", ".join(
"%d: %d" % (l, c)
for (l, c) in list(
self.building_types = ", ".join(
["%s: %d" % (b, c) for (b, c) in list(self.building_counter.items())]
[documentos] def fixme_stats(self):
fixme_count = sum(self.fixme_counter.values())
if fixme_count:
self.fixme_count = fixme_count
self.fixmes = [
"%s: %d" % (f, c) for (f, c) in list(self.fixme_counter.items())
return fixme_count
[documentos] def get(self, key, default=0):
return self.values.get(key, default)
[documentos] def inc(self, key, step=1):
self.values[key] = self.get(key) + step
[documentos] def sum(self, *args):
return sum(self.get(key) for key in args)
[documentos] def get_sys_info(self):
p = psutil.Process()
v = list(platform.uname())
self.platform = " ".join(v)
self.app_version = config.app_name + " " + config.app_version
self.cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
self.cpu_freq = getattr(getattr(psutil, "cpu_freq", lambda: 0)(), "max", 0)
self.memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total / MEMORY_UNIT
self.rss = p.memory_info().rss / MEMORY_UNIT
self.vms = p.memory_info().vms / MEMORY_UNIT
[documentos] def clean_group(self, group):
group = "_" + group
for k in frozenset(self.values.keys()):
if k.endswith(group):
del self.values[k]
[documentos] def validate(self):
if self.sum("tasks_u", "tasks_r") != self.get("tasks"):
"Sum of rustic and urban tasks should be equal "
"to number of tasks in the project"
if self.sum("inp_address_entrance", "inp_address_parcel") != self.get(
_("Sum of address types should be equal to the input addresses")
if self.sum(
) != self.get("inp_address"):
"Sum of output and deleted addresses should be equal "
"to the input addresses"
if (
self.sum("out_address_entrance", "out_address_parcel") > 0
and self.sum("out_address_entrance", "out_address_parcel")
) != self.get("out_address"):
"Sum of entrance and parcel addresses should be equal "
"to output addresses"
if self.sum("out_addr_str", "out_addr_plc") != self.get("out_address"):
"Sum of street and place addresses should be equal "
"to output addresses"
if self.sum("inp_buildings", "inp_parts", "inp_pools") != self.get(
"Sum of buildings, parts and pools should be equal "
"to the feature count"
if self.sum(
) - self.get("exploded_parts_building") != self.get("inp_features"):
"Sum of output and deleted minus created "
"building features should be equal to input features"
if self.building_counter:
if sum(self.building_counter.values()) != self.get("out_buildings"):
"Sum of building types should be equal "
"to the number of buildings"
[documentos] def to_string(self):
if self.start_time is not None:
self.ex_time = time.time() - self.start_time
groups = set()
last_group = False
last_subgroup = False
for key in list(self.titles.keys()):
exists = key in self.values
if (
and isinstance(self.values[key], list)
and len(self.values[key]) == 0
exists = False
if key.startswith("group_"):
last_group = key
last_subgroup = False
elif key.startswith("subgroup_"):
last_subgroup = key
if last_group and exists:
if last_subgroup and exists:
output = ""
for key, title in list(self.titles.items()):
if title is None:
if key.startswith("group_") and key in groups:
output += config.eol + "=" + self.titles[key] + "=" + config.eol
elif key.startswith("subgroup_") and key in groups:
output += config.eol + "==" + self.titles[key] + "==" + config.eol
elif key in self.values:
if isinstance(self.values[key], list):
if len(self.values[key]) > 0:
if title:
output += (
+ " "
+ int_format(len(self.values[key]))
+ config.eol
for value in self.values[key]:
output += TAB + value + config.eol
value = self.values[key]
if value is None:
value = ""
if key in self.formats:
value = self.formats[key](value)
elif isinstance(value, int):
value = int_format(value)
output += title + SEP + value
output += config.eol
if "fixmes" in self.values:
output += config.eol + config.fixme_doc_url
return output
[documentos] def to_file(self, fn):
with io.open(fn, "w", encoding=config.encoding) as fo:
[documentos] def export(self, fn):
with open(fn, "w") as fo:
[documentos] def from_file(self, fn):
with open(fn, "r") as fo:
self.values = json.loads(fo.read())
for k, v in self.values.items():
if k.endswith("_counter"):
self.values[k] = Counter(v)
instance = Report()