import io
import locale
import os
import unittest
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
import mock
from catatom2osm import config, osm, report
os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = "C"
config.install_gettext("catato2osm", "")
[documentos]class TestReport(unittest.TestCase):
[documentos] def test_init(self):
r = report.Report(mun_name="bar")
self.assertEqual(r.mun_name, "bar")
[documentos] def test_setattr(self):
r = report.Report()
r.mun_name = "foobar"
self.assertEqual(r.values["mun_name"], "foobar")
[documentos] def test_getattr(self):
r = report.Report()
r.values["mun_name"] = "foobar"
self.assertEqual(r.mun_name, "foobar")
[documentos] def test_get(self):
r = report.Report()
self.assertEqual(r.get("foo", "bar"), "bar")
self.assertEqual(r.get("bar"), 0)
[documentos] def test_inc(self):
r = report.Report()"nodes")
self.assertEqual(r.nodes, 1)"nodes", 2)
self.assertEqual(r.nodes, 3)
[documentos] def test_validate1(self):
r = report.Report()
r.inp_address_entrance = 7
r.inp_address_parcel = 5
r.inp_address = 12
r.addresses_without_number = 1
r.orphaned_addresses = 2
r.multiple_addresses = 1
r.refused_addresses = 2
r.out_address_entrance = 5
r.out_address_parcel = 1
r.out_addr_str = 4
r.out_addr_plc = 2
r.out_address = 6
r.inp_features = 6
r.inp_buildings = 2
r.inp_parts = 3
r.inp_pools = 1
r.building_counter = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
r.out_buildings = 3
r.out_features = 6
r.outside_parts = 1
r.underground_parts = 1
r.multipart_geoms_building = 2
r.exploded_parts_building = 4
self.assertEqual(len(r.errors), 0)
[documentos] def test_validate2(self):
r = report.Report()
r.inp_address_entrance = 1
r.inp_address_parcel = 2
r.inp_address = 4
r.addresses_without_number = 1
r.orphaned_addresses = 1
r.multiple_addresses = 1
r.refused_addresses = 1
r.out_address_entrance = 1
r.out_address_parcel = 2
r.out_addr_str = 1
r.out_addr_plc = 2
r.out_address = 4
r.inp_features = 7
r.inp_buildings = 2
r.inp_parts = 3
r.inp_pools = 1
r.building_counter = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
r.out_buildings = 4
r.out_features = 8
msgs = [
"Sum of address types should be equal to the input addresses",
"Sum of output and deleted addresses should be equal to the input "
"Sum of entrance and parcel addresses should be equal to output addresses",
"Sum of street and place addresses should be equal to output addresses",
"Sum of buildings, parts and pools should be equal to the feature count",
"Sum of building types should be equal to the number of buildings",
"Sum of output and deleted minus created building features "
"should be equal to input features"
for msg in msgs:
self.assertIn(msg, r.errors)
[documentos] @mock.patch("", mock.MagicMock())
def test_to_string0(self):
r = report.Report()
r.start_time = None
output = r.to_string()
expected = (
"Date: "
+ config.eol
+ "Language: "
+ config.language
+ config.eol
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
[documentos] @mock.patch("", mock.MagicMock())
def test_to_string1(self):
r = report.Report()
r.start_time = None
r.mun_name = "Foobar"
r.code = 99999
r.inp_zip_codes = 1000
r.fixmes = []
output = r.to_string()
expected = (
"Municipality: Foobar"
+ config.eol
+ "Date: "
+ config.eol
+ "Language: "
+ config.language
+ config.eol
+ config.eol
+ "=Addresses="
+ config.eol
+ config.eol
+ "==Input data=="
+ config.eol
+ "Postal codes: "
+ report.int_format(1000)
+ config.eol
+ config.eol
+ config.fixme_doc_url
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
[documentos] @mock.patch("", mock.MagicMock())
def test_to_string2(self):
r = report.Report()
r.start_time = None
r.fixme_count = 2
r.fixmes = ["f1", "f2"]
r.warnings = ["w1", "w2"]
output = r.to_string()
expected = (
"Date: "
+ config.eol
+ "Language: "
+ config.language
+ config.eol
+ config.eol
+ "=Problems="
+ config.eol
+ "Fixmes: 2"
+ config.eol
+ report.TAB
+ "f1"
+ config.eol
+ report.TAB
+ "f2"
+ config.eol
+ "Warnings: 2"
+ config.eol
+ report.TAB
+ "w1"
+ config.eol
+ report.TAB
+ "w2"
+ config.eol
+ config.eol
+ config.fixme_doc_url
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
[documentos] def test_to_string3(self):
r = report.Report(sys_info=True)
output = r.to_string()
expected = locale.format_string("Execution time: %.1f seconds", r.ex_time, 1)
self.assertIn(expected, output)
[documentos] @mock.patch("", mock.MagicMock())
def test_to_file(self):
r = report.Report()
r.mun_name = "áéíóúñ"
r.start_time = None
output = r.to_string()
fn = "test_report.txt"
with, "r", encoding=config.encoding) as fo:
text = str(
text = text.replace("\n\n", config.eol)
self.assertEqual(output, text)
if os.path.exists(fn):
[documentos] def test_address_stats(self):
ad = osm.Osm()
ad.Node(0, 0, {"addr:street": "s1"})
ad.Node(2, 0, {"addr:street": "s2", "entrance": "yes"})
ad.Node(4, 0, {"addr:place": "p1", "entrance": "yes"})
ad.Way([], {"addr:street": "s3"})
r = report.Report()
self.assertEqual(r.out_addr_str, 3)
self.assertEqual(r.out_addr_plc, 1)
self.assertEqual(r.out_address_entrance, 2)
self.assertEqual(r.out_address_parcel, 2)
[documentos] def test_cons_end_stats(self):
r = report.Report()
r.max_level = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 2}
r.min_level = {"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 2}
r.building_counter = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
self.assertEqual(set(r.dlag.split(", ")), set("1: 1, 2: 2".split(", ")))
self.assertEqual(set(r.dlbg.split(", ")), set("1: 2, 2: 1".split(", ")))
set(r.building_types.split(", ")), set("a: 1, b: 2".split(", "))
[documentos] def test_cons_stats(self):
r = report.Report()
r.building_counter = Counter()
data = osm.Osm()
data.Node(0, 0, {"leisure": "swimming_pool"})
data.Node(0, 0, {"building": "a", "fixme": "f1"})
data.Node(0, 0, {"building": "b", "fixme": "f2"})
data.Node(0, 0, {"building:part": "yes", "fixme": "f2"})
data.Node(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(r.out_pools, 1)
self.assertEqual(r.out_buildings, 2)
self.assertEqual(r.out_parts, 1)
self.assertEqual(r.building_counter["a"], 1)
self.assertEqual(r.building_counter["b"], 1)
self.assertEqual(r.fixme_counter["f1"], 1)
self.assertEqual(r.fixme_counter["f2"], 2)
[documentos] def test_fixme_stats(self):
r = report.Report()
r.fixme_counter = {}
self.assertEqual(r.fixme_stats(), 0)
r.fixme_counter = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
self.assertEqual(r.fixme_stats(), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(r.fixmes), 2)
[documentos] @mock.patch("")
def test_from_file(self, m_open):
r = report.Report()
t = (
'{"mun_name": "foobar",\n'
'"mun_code": 12345,\n'
'"app_version": "taz",\n'
'"address_date": "2021-09-11",\n'
'"building_date": "2021-06-22"}'
e = mock.MagicMock()
fo = mock.MagicMock() = t
e.__enter__.return_value = fo
m_open.return_value = e
self.assertEqual(r.mun_name, "foobar")
self.assertEqual(r.mun_code, 12345)
self.assertEqual(r.app_version, "taz")
self.assertEqual(r.building_date, "2021-06-22")
self.assertEqual(r.address_date, "2021-09-11")